Notice of 2018 SCBC Annual General Meeting and Nomination Call

Notice is hereby given to all members of Skate Canada Brampton-Chinguacousy that the 11th Annual General Meeting will be held Sunday June 10, 2018 at 1:00 pm at Century Gardens (340 Vodden Street East).

The Annual General meeting of Skate Canada Brampton-Chinguacousy will be held on Sunday, June 10, 2018 at 1:00 p.m.

Registration will commence at 12:00 pm.

ALL DELEGATES ARE REQUESTED TO REGISTER BEFORE 12:45 P.M. to allow time to establish that a quorum exists prior to the scheduled start of the meeting.


The meeting will be held at:
Century Gardens Recreation Centre Auditorium
340 Vodden Street East, Brampton, ON

The purposes of this Meeting are to
(a) receive the reports of the Executive;
(b) receive the financial balance sheet for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2018;
(c) transact any other business that may properly be brought before the meeting.

Voting on any matters pertaining to skating shall be restricted to eligible club members who are registered as Associate Members of Skate Canada and are 18 years of age, to the club Coaching Representative and to Special Members of the club on behalf of their under age Children (who are members of the club and registered as an Associate Member of Skate Canada). Special Members shall be restricted to one vote per child registered through the club. By-Law 25.

Financial Statements

Year ended April 30, 2018

Copies of the reviewed financial statements for the year ended April 30, 2018, may be requested at the Annual General Meeting.


Skate Canada Brampton-Chinguacousy
Annual General Meeting
June 10, 2018

  1. Preliminary Proceedings
  2. Notice of Meeting
  3. Quorum
  4. Observers
  5. Approval of Agenda
  6. Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting June 11, 2017
  7. Confirmation of Actions taken by the Board
  8. Amendments of the Constitution and By-Laws
  9. Reports
  10. Elections
  11. Appointment of Accounting Firm
  12. Presentations
  13. Future plans
  14. New Business
  15. Adjournment

Following the Annual General Meeting on Sunday, June 10, 2018, SCBC is hosting the Skate Canada Brampton-Chinguacousy Annual Awards and Recognition Ceremony at Century Gardens Recreation Centre Auditorium – 340 Vodden Street East, Brampton, ON

All members are welcome and encouraged to attend.


April 16, 2018

Dear Skate Canada Brampton-Chinguacousy Club Member:

At the Annual General Meeting of Skate Canada Brampton-Chinguacousy on June 11, 2017, the membership of the organization approved an update to the Skate Canada Brampton-Chinguacousy club constitution. The club management is outlined in By-law 9 and 10 as shown below.



By-law 9:         Members of Board of Directors, Committees and Club Delegate to Skate Canada

The members of the Board of Directors, members and Chairs of committees, and the Club Delegate to Skate Canada must be members in good standing of the Club, be registered as Associate Members of Skate Canada, be of legal age and be eligible persons (with the exception of the Coaching Representative) as defined by Skate Canada Rules.

By-law 10:      General Management of the Club

The general management of the Club shall be vested in a Board of Directors consisting of immediate Past President, President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and 8 Directors consisting of Canskate, Events, Fundraising, Membership, Public Relations, Synchro, Tests, Volunteer and a Coaching Representative.  All of the above with the exception of the Past President and Coaching Representative shall be elected for 2 year terms at the Annual General Meeting. The President position must be elected from current Skate Canada Brampton-Chinguacousy board members. The Coaching Representative shall be elected annually by and from within the coaches of the Club. The Past President shall be an ex-officio and shall hold office until a new President has been duly elected.

The Coaching representative shall be elected as per Skate Canada by-laws.

The following 12 Board positions (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, CanSkate, Events, Fundraising, Membership, Public Relations, Synchro, Tests and Volunteer) will be re-elected for 2 year terms through a staggered manner where 6 positions (President, Treasurer, Membership, Public Relations, Canskate, Synchro) are re-elected in odd numbered years and 6 positions (Vice- President, Secretary, Volunteer, Fundraising, Events, Tests) are re-elected in even numbered years.

The following 13 positions will comprise the 2018 – 2019 Skate Canada Brampton – Chinguacousy Board of Directors:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Coaching Representative
  • Eight Elected Directors
    1. Canskate Chair
    2. Events Chair
    3. Fundraising Chair
    4. Membership Chair
    5. Public Relations Chair
    6. Synchro Chair
    7. Test Chair
    8. Volunteer Chair

Skate Canada Brampton–Chinguacousy is accepting nominations for the following position:

  • Vice President (2 year position)
  • Treasurer (1 year position)
  • Secretary (2 year position)
  • CanSkate Chair (1 year position)
  • Events Chair  (2 year position)
  • Fundraising Chair (2 year position)
  • Membership Chair  (1 year position)
  • Public Relations Chair  (1 year position)
  • Synchro Chair (1 year position)
  • Test Chair (2 year position)
  • Volunteer Chair (2 year position)

In accordance with Skate Canada Brampton-Chinguacousy By-law 36 the closing date for the nominations for this position will be Thursday June 7, 2018 at 7:00pm.  Nominations may be made by any Member in good standing by a written submission to the nominating committee.  Each nominee must indicate acceptance in writing prior to the commencement of elections.  Along with the completed nomination form, a brief autobiography is required indicating how the prospective candidate can satisfy the requirements of the position as well as why they wish to serve on the Skate Canada Brampton–Chinguacousy Board. Nominations from the floor at the Annual General Meeting will not be accepted.

Any member of Skate Canada Brampton–Chinguacousy can be considered for this position provided that the candidate can satisfy the criteria set out in the enclosed job description and they meet the Constitution By-laws.
Should you wish to apply for the above-mentioned position, simply complete the enclosed nomination form and return it NO LATER THAN 7 pm on Thursday, June 7th , 2018 to the club office attention Sophie Clark in a sealed envelope (please e-mail Sophie at to let her know that you have submitted a nomination). Included with the completed nomination form should be a brief autobiography indicating how the prospective candidate can satisfy the requirements of the job description as well as why they wish to serve in this position on the Skate Canada Brampton–Chinguacousy Board.

Those members who submit a nomination form will be contacted by a member of the Nominating Committee confirming their receipt of the nomination and explaining the next step in the process. If you have any questions, please contact Sophie Clark at or Jennifer Sprongl at from the nominating committee. In the interim, we thank you for your serious and careful consideration of this matter.

Yours truly,

Sophie Clark                                                                        Jennifer Sprongl
President /Chair Nominating Committee                             Volunteer – Club Member


Attachments: Nomination formJob Descriptions of Open Board Positions