2020 August Program

SCBC is pleased to share information on our August program. As per Skate Ontario return-to-play policies, skaters who have completed CanSkate Stage 6 are permitted to resume on-ice training.

Peel Region will be moving to Stage 3 at 12:01am on Friday July 31st. Skate Ontario has set the following social gathering guidelines for Stage 3:

REOPENING STAGE 3:          Up to 15 skaters on the ice and up to 5 coaches on the ice at one time

SCBC will be closely following recommendations set out by Peel Public Health, Skate Ontario and the City of Brampton as we resume our on-ice training programs. Detailed policies and procedures will be communicated to all program participants ahead of time. For more information we encourage you to review the Skate Ontario Return-to-Play policy available here: https://skateontario.org/return-to-play/

Please visit our Summer Program page for more information on schedules and pricing.

Registration for all August programs will open via Uplifter at 2:00pm on Wednesday, July 29th and closes at 11:59pm on Friday, July 31st.

We are looking forward to resuming training with our athletes and coaches in a modified form this summer. SCBC will continue to keep all members up to date as any new policies and procedures come into effect. We hope to work closely with Skate Ontario to modify our CanSkate program so that these skaters can resume training soon.

If you have any questions about the 2020 Summer program, please contact Operations Coordinator Andrea at andrea@skatescbc.ca.