We are pleased to share information regarding out 2021 Fall/Winter programs including schedules and session requirements. Registration for all programs will open Wednesday, August 25th at 9:00am.


Click here to expand the schedule: 2021 SCBC September to December Schedule

For new members, follow the steps in the SCBC Registration Process document to set up your account.

Sessions commence the week of Sept. 6th, 2021; however, there are no sessions on Monday Sept. 6th, 2021 as this is a holiday.

If you have any questions concerning your upcoming membership, please email info@skatescbc.ca.


All skaters MUST register for the highest session they qualify for at the time of registration. SCBC reserves the right to modify session qualifications for safety and capacity concerns.

Payment may be made by credit card (preferred option), debit or using credits on file. All payment must be in CAD dollars. The SCBC Board reserves the right to amend the individual session qualifications and change the posted schedule at any time, as necessary for successful operation of club programming.

When registering for any SCBC scheduled session, the following base registration fee will be automatically added to your invoice:

  • Skate Canada Membership Fee $40.00 (Mandated by Skate Canada)
  • Skate Canada Safe Sport Fee $3.00 (Mandated by Skate Canada)
  • Skate Canada Insurance Fee $0.65 (Mandated by Skate Canada)
  • SCBC Administration Fee $9.35

Total: $53.00

This base registration fee (covering Sept 1, 2021 – Aug 31, 2022) is collected by SCBC and remitted to Skate Canada on the skater’s behalf.

CanSkate is our Learn-To-Skate Session. Skaters must have reached 4 years of age by December 31st, 2021 to register for the CanSkate program.

Our 2021 Fall-Winter session from runs from September 7th until December 16th.

CanSkate participants are required to register for a minimum of one (1) day. CanSkate participants are free to register for additional session at their choosing. If registering for additional days, skaters will be able to take advantage of additional session discounts (see CanSkate pricing structure for additional details).

CanSkate participants are able to work with a private coach for additional lessons, during the first and final 10 minutes of the session. If you are interested in this opportunity please contact Operations Coordinator Andrea Nesbitt at andrea@skatescbc.ca for more information.

Registration for all programs will open Wednesday, August 25th at 9:00am.


The Star 1-2 session is our entry level figure skating program.


  • Successful completion in full, all Stage 6 CanSkate Levels of the Skate Canada CanSkate Program.

This is a two (2) day a week skating program. Skaters are free to select any two days from the available sessions that work best for their schedule. If a day is full, the skater will be required to select another day to fulfill their 2-day session requirement.

At this level it is mandatory for skaters to obtain and work with a private coach. Please contact Operations Coordinator Andrea Nesbitt at andrea@skatescbc.ca if you have not yet been paired with a Base coach.

Proper figure skating attire and figure skates are required for skaters at the Star 1-2 level and higher. Please reach out to your base coach for recommendations on where to purchase proper equipment.

Session Fees Include:

  • 2 group lessons, to be led by an SCBC Professional Coach.
    • These 15-minute sessions will occur during the first 15 minutes and the last 15 minutes of the session.
    • These group lessons are available to all skaters on the session and are already included in your registration fee; however, participation on a daily basis may be affected periodically by the “private lesson” schedule set out by your skater’s base coach.
  • Off Ice Classes (see off ice section below for schedules)
    • Fitness & Conditioning
    • Off Ice Jump Classes

Skaters looking for significant additional ice time beyond their two day registration commitment are welcome to register in any of the remaining Star 1-2 session days to a maximum of 5 sessions per week.

Star 1-2 session skaters are permitted to Guest Skate on any other Star 1-2 sessions, where the session attendance capacity has not been met. Please refer to the Guest skating policy for additional details and the procedures regarding Guest Skating.

Skaters will begin to have independent personal development time on this session. All registered skaters must be working with an SCBC contracted private coach.

Registration for all programs will open Wednesday, August 25th at 9:00am.


**Skaters are reminded to check in with their Base coach prior to registering for sessions to confirm availability**


  • Completed Full Star 2 Freeskate

This is a minimum two (2) day a week skating program; however, skaters are free to select any number of sessions above this minimum requirement that they wish to skate. Skaters are free to select the sessions that work best for their schedule. If a day is full, the skater will be required to select another day (either a Star 3-5 Session or an Open Session) to fulfill their 2-day session requirement.

Session Fees Include:

  • 1 group lesson per session
    • This will be led by an SCBC Professional Coach and will occur during the last 15min of the session.
    • The group lessons are available to all skaters on the session and are already included in your registration fee; however, participation on a daily basis may be affected periodically by the “private lesson” schedule set out by your skater’s base coach.
  • Off Ice Classes (see off ice section below for schedules)
    • Fitness & Conditioning
    • Off Ice Jump Classes

Star 3-5 session skaters are permitted to Guest Skate on any other Star 3-5 or Open session where the session attendance capacity has not been met. Please refer to the Guest skating policy for additional details and the procedures regarding Guest Skating.

Skaters will have significant independent personal development time on this session. All registered skaters must be working with an SCBC contracted private coach.

Registration for all programs will open Wednesday, August 25th at 9:00am.


**Skaters are reminded to check in with their Base coach prior to registering for sessions to confirm availability**


  • Completed 1/2 Star 6 Freeskate (Elements or Program)

This is a minimum two (2) day a week skating program, however skaters are free to select any number of Open sessions above this minimum requirement that they wish to skate. Star 6+ skaters may skate on the Star 6+ Sessions or the Open Sessions.

Session Fees Include:

  • 1 stroking & power group lesson on Mondays
    • This will be led by an SCBC Professional Coach
    • This group lesson is available to all skaters on the session and is already included in your registration fee; however, participation on a daily basis may be affected periodically by the “private lesson” schedule set out by your skater’s base coach.
  • Off Ice Classes (see off ice section below for schedules)
    • Fitness &; Conditioning
    • Off Ice Jump Classes

Star 6+ session skaters are permitted to Guest Skate on any Star 6+ or Open session where the session attendance capacity has not been met. Please refer to the Guest skating policy for additional details and the procedures regarding Guest Skating.

Skaters will have significant independent personal development time on this session. All registered skaters must be working with an SCBC contracted private coach.

Registration for all programs will open Wednesday, August 25th at 9:00am.


**Skaters are reminded to check in with their Base coach prior to registering for sessions to confirm availability**


  • Full Star 2 Freeskate OR
  • Star 5a Dance (Willow Waltz)

This is a minimum two (2) day a week skating program, however skaters are free to select any number of sessions above this minimum requirement that they wish to skate. Skaters are free to select the sessions that work best for their schedule. If a day is full, the skater will be required to select another day to fulfill their 2-day session requirement.

The Open session fees do not include group lessons or off ice sessions. All registered skaters must be working with an SCBC contracted private coach.

Open session skaters are permitted to Guest Skate on Open Sessions where the session attendance capacity has not been met. Please refer to the Guest skating policy for additional details and the procedures regarding Guest Skating.

Skaters will have significant independent personal development time on this session. All registered skaters must be working with an SCBC contracted private coach.

Registration for all programs will open Wednesday, August 25th at 9:00am.


**Skaters are reminded to check in with their Base coach prior to registering for sessions to confirm availability**

SCBC provides a competitive session for skaters who have an expressed interest in the discipline of Ice Dance.

The ice dance program is designed for teams starting at the Pre-Juvenile level through to the Senior National level. This program is designed to encourage competitive ice dance at all levels with intensive training in the areas of presentation, musicality, competitive training, flexibility, dance patterns and elements.

For all inquiries and requests, as well as, for approval to skate on this session, please contact Matthew Doleman yellow_hat12@hotmail.com or Pamela Krolick pamela_krolick@bell.net.

GUEST SKATING is NOT permitted on this session.

Skaters must be working with an SCBC Dance coach.

Registration for all programs will open Wednesday, August 25th at 9:00am.


SCBC is committed to providing a competitive and comprehensive training environment for our skaters.

Fitness & Conditioning:

One off-ice conditioning class per week is included in Star 1-2, Star 3-5, Star 6+ and Ice Dance sessions. Skaters may select which day they will be participating in off-ice conditioning.


Star 1-2 Sessions

  • Tuesdays: 7:45 – 8:30pm
  • Thursdays: 4:30 – 5:15pm


Star 3-5 Sessions

  • Mondays: 6:50 – 7:35pm
  • Tuesdays: 6:50 – 7:35pm


Star 6+ Sessions

  • Mondays: 6:00 – 6:45pm


Dance Session

  • Sundays: 10:20 – 11:20am

Off Ice Jump Classes:

One off-ice jump class per week is included in Star 1-2, Star 3-5 and Star 6+ sessions. Skaters may select which day they will be participating in off-ice conditioning.


Star 1-2 Sessions

  • Mondays: 5:00 – 5:30pm
  • Tuesdays: 5:35 – 6:05pm


Star 3-5 Sessions

  • Thursdays: 7:00 – 7:25pm


Star 6+ Sessions

  • Thursdays: 5:45 – 6:15pm

Adult skating is growing in popularity and we offer recreational, test and competitive opportunities to this segment of the population.

SCBC is offering an Adult program for members 18 years and older who are not registered as students. This program will begin in October. The program is designed for adults looking to learn-to-skate as well as skaters with experience.

SCBC AdultSkate + Adult Learn to Skate Program

Fridays: 7:45 – 8:45pm
October 1st – December 10thThere is a group lesson at the start of each session for both the AdultSkate and Learn-to-Skate groups.Fee: $410.00 (includes a 15min group lesson at the start of each session)
+$53.00 base registration fee (Skate Canada yearly membership fee that covers insurance from September 1st, 2021 to August 31st, 2022).

Registration opens on Friday, September 24th at 9:00am.

If you have any questions regarding our AdultSkate / Adult Learn-to-Skate programs please contact Operations Coordinator Andrea Nesbitt at andrea@skatescbc.ca.

SCBC Ticket Ice is to be used to complement a skating program/session.

Ticket Ice time is available to all SCBC registered members, who have registered in minimum two (2) day, regularly scheduled SCBC session. If you are not registered in a minimum of a two (2) scheduled session, you are not eligible to use “Ticket Ice” time. Gold Ice registered skaters, Adult session and Canskaters may also use ticket ice. To use Ticket Ice, a skater must be working with their coach on that session.

Out of club skaters who are registered members of Skate Canada, in good standing at their club and registered in a 2-day session in their club can access Ticket Ice privileges with an SCBC coach during Ticket Ice times. These skaters and/or their coach are responsible for the advance purchase of authorized ice time for use the day of their skating.

Skaters must register for SCBC Ticket Ice sessions through Uplifter by 11:59pm the night before the session.

Mondays: 6:00 – 9:00am

Tuesdays: 6:00 – 9:00am

Wednesdays: 6:00 – 9:00am

Thursdays: 6:00 – 9:00am

Fridays: 6:00 – 9:00am

Fridays: 2:00 – 4:00pm

Skaters must be working with their coach to attend a scheduled Ticket Ice session. Skaters are not permitted on the ice without the presence of an SCBC contracted coach. If the skater has been working with their coach and the coach leaves the ice, skaters may remain on as long as there is another SCBC coach on the ice.

Any skater found to be using a Ticket Ice session without a coach on the ice will immediately be suspended from all Ticket Ice privileges for the remainder of the 2021-2022 programming.

Please refer to the formal SCBC Ticket Ice policy for additional information.

Please note that any skater registered in an SCBC session is permitted to participate on scheduled club assessment days. Parents and skaters are directed to discuss test day participation and the assessment process for each individual assessment, with their coach.

STAR 1-5 assessments will be assessed by the skater’s own coach. Assessments in the STAR 1-5 program are designed to be introduced in a semi-formal format and progress in formality to prepare the skaters for external evaluation in the Learn to Compete stage of development.

STAR 1 & 2 is the Introduction format whereby the assessments will occur in the skater’s natural training environment, during their lesson time. This may be in group, semi or private lessons. Practice attire is acceptable for this type of assessment.

STAR 2, 3 & 4 is the Transitional Format. These assessments also occur in the skater’s natural training environment, during their regular lesson time and may also be conducted in group, semi or private lessons. To increase the formality, only skaters being assesses will participate in the assessment. Proper skating attire is required for this type of assessment.

STAR 4 & 5 is the Classic Format. There are 2 assessments in the STAR 5 level that require this CLASSIC format which are STAR 5a Dance, and STAR 5 Freeskate Program. All other STAR 4 & 5 assessments have the option of being performed in either the Transitional or Classic format. Coaches will stand off the ice for the assessment to simulate an external evaluation and skaters will perform their assessment on clear ice. Proper skating attire is required for this type of assessment.

STAR 6 to Gold Skating Skills assessments are evaluated by a coach who holds valid certification to evaluate an assessment of this level.

Once a skater reaches Star 5 level, Freeskate and Dance tests are taken on Assessment Days and are evaluated by Skate Canada certified evaluators. Proper skating attire is required for this type of assessment. Parents and skaters should note that SCBC does not control which assessment official(s) is/are assigned for our assessment days.

If your child has already passed a Skate Canada test under the previous system, they will be grandfathered to the appropriate Star 1-5 level within the new system.

Please keep/maintain your skater’s assessment/test records in the event that they are required to resolve discrepancies between Skate Canada and SCBC records.

For more details on Assessment Days, please refer to the Assessment Day page on the SCBC website.

2021-2022 SCBC Assessment Days

  • Thursday, October 21st, 2021
  • Friday, December 17th, 2021
  • Tuesday, March 8th, 2022
  • Wednesday, April 27th, 2022
  • Friday, June 17th, 2022

“Guest skating” is only available to SCBC skaters registered in a two day membership. Out of club skaters are not permitted to Guest Skate on any session. Any coach/instructor who is not on SCBC coaching staff, may not instruct on a session via Guest Skating without the knowledge and prior authorization of the SCBC Board. Authorized coaches/instructors must be in “good standing” with Skate Canada.

In order to Guest Skate, all members are required to sign in at the SCBC office and provide electronic payment (no cash) prior to the start of the session. Any skaters who fail to do so will not be permitted on the ice.

A skater will only be allowed to Guest Skate on a program/session if the following requirements are met:

  • The session/program allows Guest skating e.g. no Guest Skating permitted on Gold Ice Sessions and Dance Session.
  • The session is not at or over capacity.
  • The skater is Guest skating on an equivalent session (same session or the open session but different day than registered) Star 1-2 session skaters can only guest skate on star 1-2 sessions. Star 3-5 skaters can guest skate on star 3-5 sessions and open sessions. Star 6+ plus skaters can guest skate on all open sessions. Skaters registered for open session can guest skate on all open sessions as well as the session on which they currently qualify for.

Any skater found not to be following the Guest skating expectations will immediately have their Guest skating privileges suspended.

Concerns and inquiries can be made directly to info@skatescbc.ca.