2021 SCBC Summer Program

SCBC is pleased to share information on our 2021 Summer Program program which will take place during Stage 3 of the Ontario Reopening framework. We are so excited about our return to on-ice programming after 8 long months and look forward to welcoming back our skaters, coaches, and SCBC family.

This summer will be offering the following programs during Stage 3:
  • Weekly daytime sessions (including singles, ice dance, and synchronized skating focused sessions)
  • 6-week evening session
  • 5-week evening CanSkate program
Daytime programs will run from July 26th until September 2nd. Evening programs will run from July 26th to August 30th.
Registration for all programs will open on Friday, July 16th at 9:00am via Uplifter. Stay tuned for details.
For more information on our tentative schedules, qualifications and fees, please visit: https://skatescbc.ca/2021-summer-program/.

Please note that this program plan is tentative and subject to change. We are still waiting on confirmation of Stage 3 on-ice participant capacities along with any other Stage 3 Peel Region regulations that may affect our scheduling. We hope to have this information from the City of Brampton shortly and will communicate any changes or small adjustments as soon as we know.

We are looking forward to resuming on-ice training with our athletes and coaches this summer. SCBC will continue to keep all members up to date as any new policies and procedures come into effect.

If you have any questions about the 2021 Summer program, please contact Operations Coordinator Andrea at andrea@skatescbc.ca.