It gives us great pleasure to welcome all of our members and their families to another great year of skating at Skate Canada Brampton-Chinguacousy (SCBC).
If you have any questions about the policies listed below please feel free to reach out to our board of directors at
Skate Canada Brampton Chinguacousy (SCBC) is committed to functioning in a manner that respects the independence, dignity, integration and equality of opportunity to persons with disabilities.
SCBC is committed to providing accessible and equitable opportunities to all those associated with the organization. This policy outlines the requirements to persons with disabilities, the use of assistive devices, service animals and support persons by persons with disabilities, notice of temporary disruptions in services and facilities, training, feedback regarding the provision of requirements persons with disabilities and the notice of availability and format of documents.
Assistive Devices: A device used by a person with a disability to facilitate access and/or independence in everyday tasks. Such devices include mobility equipment (wheelchairs and walkers) as well as portable communication devices, hearing aids and much more.
Disability: Disability is described as any of the following:
- Any degree of physical disability, infirmity, malformation or disfigurement that is caused by bodily injury, birth defect or illness and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, a brain injury, any degree of paralysis, amputation, lack of physical coordination, blindness or visual impediment, deafness or hearing impediment, muteness or speech impediment, or physical reliance on a guide dog or other animal or on a wheelchair or other remedial appliance or device;
- a condition of mental impairment or a developmental disability;
- a learning disability or a dysfunction in one or more of the processes involved in understanding or using symbols or spoken language; or
- a mental disorder.
Service Animal: An animal is a service animal for a person with a disability. This applies if it is readily apparent that the animal is used by a person for reasons relating to their disability.
Support Person: An individual who accompanies a person with a disability for the purposes of communication, mobility, personal care or medical needs or with access to services.
SCBC will make every reasonable effort to ensure that its policies, practices and procedures are consistent with the principles of dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity by:
- Ensuring that all those associated with SCBC receive the same value and quality;
- Allowing persons with disabilities to do things their own ways, at their own pace when accessing goods and/or services as long as it does not present a safety risk;
- Using alternative methods when possible to ensure that persons with disabilities have access to the same services, in the same place and in a similar manner;
- Ensuring that a notice is always posted in public view stating that this policy is publicly available and that it may be provided in an accessible format;
- Taking into account individual needs when providing assistance; and
- Communicating in a manner that takes into account the person’s disabilities.
SCBC will communicate to persons with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability. SCBC will train its employees that interact with a person with a disability on how to interact and communicate.
SCBC is committed to providing fully accessible telephone assistance to all those that require it. SCBC will train its staff to communicate with persons over the telephone in plain language while speaking clearly and slowly.
SCBC welcomes the use of assistive devices used by persons with disabilities to access our services.
SCBC has made a commitment to providing internet content in an accessible format however, if any materials on these websites are not provided in an accessible format we will do so upon request.
SCBC is committed to providing accessible billing/invoices to persons with disabilities. SCBC will answer any questions stakeholders may have about the content of the billing and will be responsible for ensuring that the alternative formats are available upon request.
Service Animal
Persons with disabilities who are accompanied by a service animal are welcome within City of Brampton facilities when accessing our services.
Support Person
All support persons are welcome within City of Brampton facilities.
Notice of Temporary Disruption
In the event of a temporary disruption in services that are to the necessity of a person with a disability, the City of Brampton will make every reasonable effort to provide stakeholders with notice. The notice shall include the anticipated duration of the disruption and will be posted at the entrance to the property as soon as possible.
SCBC will provide training to all staff as soon as practicable once they have begun their employment. Training will be recorded and updated in respect to any changes to policies, practices or procedures surrounding accessibility for persons with disabilities. Training for new staff shall be part of the ‘’Hiring Information’’ and be completed within one week of commencement.
Training will include:
- Purpose of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and requirements;
- Policies, practices and procedures;
- How to interact and communicate with persons with various types of disability in a manner that takes into account their disability;
- How to interact with persons with disabilities who use assistive devices or require the assistance of a service animal or a support person;
- How to use equipment or devices available that may help with providing services;
- What to do if a person with a particular type of disability is having difficulty accessing services;
- Policies, practices and procedures pertaining to providing accessible customer service to persons with disabilities.
SCBC has established a feedback process specifically for the use of any person. The goal is to provide perfect opportunities. Comments on our services regarding how well those expectations are being met are welcome and appreciated. Feedback is accepted in the following formats: in person or by telephone to SCBC or by email.
SCBC shall notify individuals that the documents related to the Accessibility Standards are available upon request and in a format that takes into account the disability. Notification will be given by posting the information in a conspicuous place operated by SCBC.
SCBC is committed to developing customer service policies that respect and promote the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities. Therefore, no changes will be made to this policy before considering the impact on persons with disabilities. Any policy of SCBC that does not respect the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities will be modified or removed. This policy and its related procedures will be reviewed as required in the event of legislative changes.
The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework through which SCBC can achieve perfect service to persons with disabilities. If anyone has a question about the policy, or referred to:
SCBC will maintain and review this policy every three years at a minimum.
Skaters at the StarSkate level and higher require a base professional coach to oversee their development, assessments and potential competitions.
The Role of the Coach
The role of the coach is to give your skater the one-on-one attention that is necessary to teach specific disciplines of the sport. All SCBC coaches are certified through the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) of the Coaching Association of Canada, however their personal achievements and teaching experience vary, and not all coaches teach all the disciplines of figure skating.
Your skater’s coach will likely be with your child throughout their years of skating. Skating should be a fun and enjoyable activity and your child’s relationship with their coach will be a big part of this.
Base Coach Pairing Process
As skaters move through the CanSkate program, the SCBC skater development committee will likely reach out to pair you with one of our NCCP Regionally Trained or higher coaches. This coach will be responsible for overseeing your skater’s development. Skaters are paired with coaches based on age, learning style, potential pathway and future goals.
Coach Fees
SCBC coaches are self-employed and set their own hours and fees typically based on years of experience and their NCCP coaching qualifications. On average you can expect to pay anywhere from $10.00 – upwards of $15.00 for a 10 minute private lesson. Keep in mind that rates will vary if there is more than one person in the group (semi private or group instruction) and length of the lesson (10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes or more).
All coaches are required to be registered with Skate Canada, the governing body of skating in Canada. This ensures they are qualified as coaches, have current first aid, and are insured. The standard qualification levels are mandated by the Coaches Association of Canada and are based on the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP). Coaches are designated through certification as CanSkate coaches or NCCP Levels; Levels range from Regional Coach to National and International Coach. Each level indicates the level of competition the coach is able to attend.
Once you have been paired and made arrangements with that Coach to begin teaching private lessons to your skater, you have entered into a business arrangement with this Coach. All issues regarding lessons and billing will be dealt directly through your Coach. Any decisions regarding your child’s skating or the engagement of additional or alternate coaches must be made through your Base Coach.
As a parent, it is your right to choose which coach works with your skater pending availability of the coach. If you would like to request a specific coach for your skater, you may reach out that coach specifically for more information on next steps. Coach contact information is available at:
If you feel your current coach isn’t the right fit for your skater, you have the right to look for another coach. First, let your current coach know you’re planning to switch and ask for a final bill. All fees must be paid before starting with a new coach. The new coach must also inform your current coach that they’ve been contacted and confirm the bills are fully paid. It’s a good idea to find a new coach before ending with the current one to prevent any breaks in your skater’s progress.
Skate Canada Brampton Chinguacousy aims to promote a safe, supportive environment for the skating community that equally respects our common interests and our differences for all skaters to enjoy the sport and fulfill their own individual goals within a team spirit. In support of this objective, the SCBC has adopted the following Code of Conduct based on the following principles:
- Skate Canada Brampton Chinguacousy by-laws and rules.
- City of Brampton Recreation rules.
- A harassment free policy.
Members and parents of junior members are required to review, discuss, and accept this Code of Conduct and indicate that they have read and understand their responsibilities by signing the attached agreement before participating in club activities.
All SCBC members must conduct themselves in a manner respectful of all policies and property at the Ice rink as well as any other facility. Any violation of facility policy may result in disciplinary action from the Club. This Code of Conduct is also in effect when the Club is represented at out of town activities. Please exhibit a model of behaviour that will provide a good example to the community and encourage pride in our club.
- Members are expected to display proper respect and sportsmanship towards their fellow skaters, coaches, officials, parents, Board of Directors and the general public at all times.
- Members are expected to follow the direction of City of Brampton staff and SCBC members acting as rink attendants during Club sessions or Club events.
- Members shall not harass or abuse, physically or verbally, any other fellow skaters, coaches, officials or parent at any time.
- At team events, simulations and competitions skaters are encouraged to make an effort to support their fellow skaters during their performances.
- Members are expected to follow any coach’s instructions where that coach may request restrictions on routines or elements that he/she deems unsafe or dangerous to other skaters on any club ice session.
- Members are expected to follow the Ice Etiquette and Guidelines for Fun and Safe Skating shown below.
- Any act performed by a Club member that a rink attendant, Club member, coach or parent sees and deems unsafe or inappropriate may be brought to the SCBC Board of Directors attention for any disciplinary action necessary as described below.
With many different people and personalities coming together to participate in skating – whether as skaters, friends, family or fans – it is no surprise that conflicts will occasionally arise from differences of opinion or simple misunderstandings.
Moreover, the fast-paced, risky nature of skating makes it natural that skaters will sometimes collide or accidentally get in each other’s way – even when they are maintaining complete awareness and exercising reasonable caution. As a friendly reminder, all skaters who accidentally run into each other or cut each other off are encouraged to say, “I’m sorry”, or excuse themselves in a polite manner, even if it appears that the other person is more at fault. It shows graciousness, maturity and respect – qualities that bring out the best in all of us.
However, if a member wishes to object to an instruction by an Ice Rink staff, coach, parent or fellow skater, the member shall make the objection known to his/her own coach first. The skater’s coach is responsible for resolution of the issue. If the coach cannot reach resolution of the issue, the coach shall then bring the matter to the Board in writing.
- Intentionally leaving objects on the ice
- Chewing gum, eating, or drinking on the ice (exception for water/sports drink at the boards).
- Discourteous behaviour
- Abusive or obscene language, profanity, or any gesture of profanity
- Lack of cooperation with any official, parent, coach or rink staff
- Displaying or promoting unsafe actions on the ice or elsewhere in the facility
- Deliberately skating in a manner that interferes with another skater’s safety
- Any destruction or defacement of property including the ice surface
- Any intentional physical contact, bodily or by throwing objects, which would be considered aggressive in nature by a responsible, prudent person
- Threatening or harassing of other skaters or persons
- Possession or use of any illegal substance on the premises
- Theft
- 1st offense – verbal warning
- 2nd offense – verbal warning of upgrade upon next offense
- 3rd offense – upgrade to Class II – 1st offense
- 1st offense – Immediate removal from the ice and loss of privileges for the following session, Written apology to offended party, Letter of reprimand with warning of upgrade upon next offense
- 2nd offense – Meeting of all parties concerned for disposition, Upgrade to Class III
A class III infraction will require a meeting of the Board , skater, and parents if the skater is a minor.
- 1st offense – Removal from Club ice and Club activities for a length of time to be determined by the Board, Written letter of apology to offended party, If the skater is under 18 years of age, upon return to ice, parent must accompany skater for a period of time to be determined by the Board
- 2nd offense – Permanent Club suspension
Thank you for your cooperation with this updated requirement from Skate Ontario as we work to adhere to these new provincial laws. Our goal is to always provide a safe skating environment for all of our members.
Rowan’s Law was named for Rowan Stringer, a high school rugby player from Ottawa, who died in the spring of 2013 from a condition known as second impact syndrome (swelling of the brain caused by a subsequent injury that occurred before a previous injury healed). Rowan is believed to have experienced three concussions over six days while playing rugby. She had a concussion but didn’t know her brain needed time to heal. Neither did her parents, teachers or coaches.
Rowan’s Law and Rowan’s Law Day were established to honour her memory and bring awareness to concussions and concussion safety.
The recognition of concussion in sport is coming to the forefront of injury in sport. More and more scientific and public press attention is paid to this injury, and our knowledge of the causation, effects and outcomes of concussion injury is expanding daily. Skate Canada and its medical team recognize the importance and need for athletes, parents, coaches and other team members to rapidly and appropriately recognize and respond to a concussion injury. Policies are currently being drafted to further address this.
There are Skate Canada and Skate Canada Ontario policies currently available for parents, skaters and coaches to reference, and links for these are provided below.
Please note that this information is for general information purposes only. It is not intended to and does not constitute any medical advice and does not contain any medical diagnoses, symptom assessments or medical opinions.
Skate Canada Safe Sport – Concussion Policy
Skate Ontario Concussion Policy
Rowan’s Law mandates that every skater (parent if skater under 18) needs to review concussion policies and protocols.
Acknowledgement must be provided at the time of registration. The following forms will require acknowledgement through Uplifter.
Parent and Guardian Acknowledgement
Skate Ontario Concussion Code of Conduct for Athletes and Parents
On July 1, 2019, new rules came into effect through Rowan’s Law, to improve concussion safety in amateur competitive sport.
If you are an athlete under 26 years of age*, parent of an athlete under 18, coach, team trainer or official and your sport organization has advised that you need to follow the rules of Rowan’s Law you need to:
- review any one of Ontario’s official Concussion Awareness Resources before registering or serving with your sport organization; and
- review your sport organization’s Concussion Code of Conduct that they will provide to you; and
- confirm that you have reviewed both of these resources every year with your sport organization(s)
*Exception: A sport organization that is a University, College of Applied Arts and Technology or other Post-Secondary Institution will be advising athletes of any age that they need to follow the rules of Rowan’s Law.
Involved in more than one sport?
No matter how many sport organizations you register with in a given year, you are only required to review a Concussion Awareness Resource once within that year. You are however required to confirm your review of a Concussion Awareness Resource with each sport organization with which you register.
You are also required to both review and confirm your review of the Concussion Code of Conduct for each sport organization with which you register.
Next Steps for Parents/Guardians and Athletes
- Review any one of Ontario’s official Concussion Awareness Resources, linked below in English (Links available in booklet for other languages)
- Review the SCBC Concussion Code of Conduct
- Confirm that you have reviewed both of these resources, yearly, and sign and acknowledge the below form during the registration process in Uplifter.
What is a concussion?
A concussion is a brain injury. It can’t be seen on X-rays, CT scans or MRIs. It may affect the way a person thinks, feels and acts.
Any blow to the head, face or neck may cause a concussion. A concussion may also be caused by a blow to the body if the force of the blow causes the brain to move around inside the skull. A concussion can happen to anyone – anywhere – including:
- at home, school or your workplace
- following a car, bike or pedestrian accident
- from participating in games, sports or other physical activity
A concussion is a serious injury. While the effects are typically short-term, a concussion can lead to long-lasting symptoms and even long-term effects.
What are the signs and symptoms of a concussion?
Everyone can help recognize a possible concussion if they know what to look for. A person with a concussion might have any of the signs or symptoms listed below. They might show up right away or hours, or even days later. Just one sign or symptom is enough to suspect a concussion. Most people with a concussion do not lose consciousness.
Common signs and symptoms:
- Headache
- Pressure in the head
- Dizziness
- Nausea or vomiting
- Blurred vision
- Sensitivity to light or sound
- Ringing in the ears
- Balance problems
- Tired or low energy
- Drowsiness
- “Don’t feel right”
- Sleeping more or less than usual
- Having a hard time falling asleep
Cognitive (Thinking)
- Not thinking clearly
- Slower thinking
- Feeling confused
- Problems concentrating
- Problems remembering
- Irritability (easily upset or angered)
- Depression
- Sadness
- Nervous or anxious
Red Flags
“Red flags” may mean the person has a more serious injury. Treat red flags as an emergency and call 911.
Red flags include:
- Neck pain or tenderness
- Double vision
- Weakness or tingling in arms or legs
- Severe or increasing headache
- Seizure or convulsion
- Loss of consciousness (knocked out)
- Vomiting more than once
- Increasingly restless, agitated or aggressive
- Getting more and more confused
What steps should I follow if someone I know, or myself, is suspected of having a concussion?
Follow these three steps if you — or someone you know — experiences a blow to the head, face, neck or body and you suspect a concussion. Call 911 if you are concerned the injury is life-threatening, such as the person is unconscious or they had a seizure.
- Recognize signs and symptoms of a concussion and remove yourself or the athlete from the sport/physical activity, even if you feel OK or they insist they are OK.
- Get yourself or the athlete checked out by a physician or nurse practitioner.
- Support gradual return to school and sport.
These resources are not intended to provide medical advice relating to health care. For advice on health care for concussion symptoms, please consult with a physician or nurse practitioner.
The Rowan’s Law Removal-from/Return-to-sport requirements will come into effect on July 1, 2020. After this date, sport organizations will be required to have a removal-from/return-to-sport protocol.
Concussion Return to Play Form
Government of Ontario Resources
Rowan’s Law Booklet – Ages 10 and Under
Rowan’s Law Booklet – Ages 11 to 14
Rowan’s Law Booklet – Ages 15 and Up
Rowan’s Law – Concussion Safety
Rowan’s Law – Concussion Awareness Resources
SCBC Concussion Code of Conduct for Athletes and Parents
Parent/Guardian & Athlete Acknowledgement Form
This information is not for emergencies, nor is it intended to replace or provide medical advice. For emergencies, please call 911 or go to your nearest hospital or emergency department. For advice on health care for concussion symptoms, please consult with a physician or nurse practitioner.
POLICY STATEMENT: The purpose of this policy is to ensure that confidential information will not be divulged to anyone other than those who are authorized to receive such information.
This Confidentiality Policy applies to all Skate Canada Brampton Chinguacousy (SCBC) employees, contractors, volunteers, directors, committee members, officials, and trustees.
Confidential or proprietary information regarding SCBC’s operations, past, current or future and which are not readily available to the public nor are a matter of public record may not be disclosed. This material may include, without limitation the following types of information or material, in whatever form, both existing and contemplated, regarding SCBC: organizational information, including, without limitation, contractual arrangements, marketing plans and techniques, methods of operations, production processes, methods and methodologies that are not standard practice or that are not generally known, plans, strategies, tables and compilations of business and industrial information acquired by or on behalf of SCBC, tactics, policies, resolutions, patents and patent applications, trade mark and trade name applications; any litigation or negotiations; information concerning suppliers; marketing information, client and customer lists, donor lists, strategies, methods, clients and market research data; financial information, including cost and performance data, debt arrangements, and funding; operational information, including, without limitation, trade secrets, know-how, concepts, data, designs, flow charts, specifications, product plans, technical designs and drawings, engineering specifications, computer hardware and software and software codes; personnel information, including personnel lists, resumes, personnel data, organizational structure and performance evaluations; and, any other information that SCBC would like to treat as, or considers to be confidential (Confidential Information).
Access to Confidential Information either indirectly or directly may be provided to an individual or group for the sole purpose of performing specific duties and responsibilities, and any other use is strictly prohibited. Such Confidential Information obtained pursuant to a specific position with SCBC, except as is necessary for the performance of related duties and responsibilities in such position or authorized by law or with written authorization from the SCBC Chair shall not be disclosed. In addition, use of such information for personal advantage or speculation is strictly forbidden. If Confidential Information is used or disclosed in violation of this Confidentiality Policy, irreparable harm to SCBC may result. As a result, SO may, pursue any and all remedies in law or in equity to which it may be entitled.
Reasonable measures must be taken to protect Confidential Information. In the event that Confidential Information is lost, stolen, or otherwise compromised, it must be reported immediately to SCBC Chair.
- All matters that are the subject of any in camera portion of any meeting are confidential until disclosed in an open meeting.
- All matters that are before a committee are confidential unless they have been determined not to be confidential by the Chair of the relevant committee following consultation with the SCBC Chair and/or Board of Directors. The overall purpose and objective of this policy will serve as points of reference in making such determinations.
- Confidential information is the exclusive property of SCBC and any writing, document or other material containing Confidential Information shall be returned to SCBC upon completion of an individual’s or group’s engagement with the organization.
This Confidentiality Policy complements SCBC’s Privacy Policy, ensuring all information is handled according to relevant legislation.
“Guest skating” is only available to SCBC skaters registered in a two day membership. Out of club skaters are not permitted to Guest Skate on any session.
Any coach/instructor who is not on SCBC coaching staff, may not instruct on a session via Guest Skating without the knowledge and prior authorization of the SCBC Board. Authorized coaches/instructors must be in “good standing” with Skate Canada.
In order to Guest Skate, members are required to make a request ahead of time (or via their coach) to to confirm there is space on the session. Registration ($30.00) must be paid online in advance – link will be provided once space is confirmed.
A skater will only be allowed to Guest Skate on a session if the following requirements are met:
- The session/program allows Guest skating e.g. no Guest Skating permitted on Gold Ice Sessions and Dance Session.
- The session is not at or over capacity.
- Skaters are eligible to guest skate on sessions that they currently qualify for.
Any skater found not to be following the Guest skating expectations will immediately have their Guest skating privileges suspended. Concerns and inquiries can be made directly to
- Pre-CanSkate (3-5 yrs): Skaters require CSA approved hockey helmet, face cage is strongly recommended
- CanSkate (6+ yrs): Skaters require CSA approved hockey helmet, face cage is strongly recommended
- Teen/Adult CanSkate (12+): Skaters require CSA approved hockey helmet, face cage is optional
All Skate Canada member clubs and skating schools who offer a CanSkate program must ensure all CanSkate and Adult CanSkate participants up to and including Stage 5 must wear a CSA approved hockey helmet while on the ice. The hockey helmet must be in good condition, not broken, or missing pieces, and must fit properly.
Hockey helmets are designed to help protect against head injuries occurring on ice, whether from a fall or collision. A bicycle helmet, for example, is designed to protect against head injuries should a fall occur while riding a bicycle. It is important to ensure that when a skater is on the ice, they are protected with equipment designed for their sport or activity.
This policy is agreed upon at the time of registration, whether online or in person, and must be followed by all participants. All participants must have the proper equipment to participate in classes. Rentals are not available for any reason, or at any time during our programs.
More information on Skate Canada’s Helmet Policy and regulations can be found here.
Skate Canada Brampton Chinguaousy is committed to providing an equitable, diverse, inclusive and barrier-free environment where every stakeholder feels valued, respected, accepted and supported.
This policy applies to all stakeholders in the Skate Canada Brampton Chinguacousy community. It should also be read in conjunction with the National Safe Sport Program and the SCBC Code of Conduct.
Equity: Means recognizing that there are barriers to employment, participation, access and inclusion in the workplace and the skating community. The principle of equity acknowledges that systemic barriers exist and action is needed to address historical imbalances, and that addressing systems of disadvantage and exclusions must be rooted in treating individuals fairly, not necessarily equally or the same.
Diversity: Means recognizing our workplace and skating community is made up of persons who are all unique and bring varied experienced, differences, similarities/dimensions, qualities, perspectives, and approaches to the workplace and skating community together with having an array of identities, characteristics, and backgrounds that are representative of our current and evolving population, and that as an organization we support meaningful participation at all levels of diverse peoples. Examples include, but are not limited to, gender, race/ethnicity, indigeneity, age, culture, generation, religion, language, education, geography, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, etc.
Inclusion: Means intentionally creating a sense of belonging and a culture based on fairness and equity where all individuals are recognized, accepted, respected and valued for their uniqueness and differences; it is how diversity is put into action for the benefit of the collective; and collectively promoting an environment where individuals can be their full selves.
To promote and support inclusivity, SCBC will strive to:
- Encourage participation at all levels and in all areas of the sport for populations that are traditionally underrepresented
- Increase the diversity of individuals involved with skating to help bring new ideas, support growth in participation, increase the fan base and expand the number of qualified personnel to serve as volunteers and staff for SCBC
- Ensure the mix of staff and volunteer leaders on the Board and committees reflects the diversity of the larger SCBC community
- Contribute to raising awareness and understanding of diversity, equity and inclusion amongst our membership
- Encourage member clubs and affiliated agencies to ensure equal opportunities for all
- Share local/provincial/national/international successes related to inclusion in order to provide ideas and motivation for others
- Offer a workplace that is accepting and supportive of all people
It is the responsibility of all SCBC stakeholders to uphold the principles of inclusion in our activities and interactions and identify any opportunities or gaps in the implementation of this policy.
SCBC maintains and reviews this policy at a minimum of every three years. In recognition of the evolving nature of equity, diversity and inclusion policies, SCBC is committed to updating and enhancing this policy pending direction from Skate Ontario, Skate Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries.
Medical/Injury requests for refunds or account credit should be directed to the Operations Coordinator immediately and will only be considered if 3 or more weeks (Fall/Winter) or 1 or more weeks (Summer) have been missed by the skater, or where medical documentation can be provided to support a prolonged absence. SCBC reserves the right to request additional medical documentation from a physician, to support the request and further evaluate the request of the member. All requests for refunds or account credit must be in writing to the operations coordinator at
Any refund will be pro-rated from the time of notification. All granted refunds will be processed through credit card.
It will be at the discretion of the Board, after consideration of the member’s request and supporting documentation whether a refund or credit to the members account will be authorized.
If at any time, programs need to be cancelled for an extended period of time, due to circumstances outside of SCBC’s control (ie: Facility Closure), a credit will automatically be applied to members accounts for missed days. The number of days credited will be at the discretion of the board.
Refund requests must be by written submission and will be at the discretion of the board.
In order to provide the selection and variety of program opportunities, we regretfully cannot offer a make-up class in the event that a participant is unable to attend a program/class.
SCBC operates under the assumption that “Skaters will attend all sessions as scheduled for the program in which they are registered.” SCBC will not provide refunds or credits for missed classes, or provide makeup classes for any skater, regardless of the reason for the absence (skater illness, coach illness, competition scheduling, extreme weather conditions, facility issues and emergencies, family vacations, etc.).
Payment may be made by credit card. All payment must be in CAD dollars. The SCBC Board reserves the right to amend the individual session qualifications and change the posted schedule at any time, as necessary for successful operation of club programming.
When registering for any SCBC scheduled session, the following base registration fee will be automatically added to your invoice:
- Skate Canada Registrant Fee $28.00 (Mandated by Skate Canada)
- Skate Ontario Registrant Fee $28.00 (Mandated by Skate Ontario)
- Skate Canada Safe Sport Fee $5.00 (Mandated by Skate Canada)
- Skate Canada Insurance Fee $0.70 (Mandated by Skate Canada)
- SCBC Administration Fee $5.30
Total: $67.00
This base registration fee (covering Sept 1, 2024 – Aug 31, 2025) is collected by SCBC and remitted to Skate Canada on the skater’s behalf.
Our programs allow for a monthly payment option. If chosen, the monthly fees will be directly charged to the member’s personal credit card. Members can opt for the monthly payment plan at the time of registration. Details of the payment plan for an individual session will be available at the time of registration.
Members will not be permitted to skate on any SCBC registered session, Ticket Ice session or participate in assessment days unless their account is in “good standing”.
Any member whose account is in arrears will be notified in writing, by a club representative to resolve this issue immediately. If the members account is not brought up to date within 15 days of this notification, all privileges of membership including the right to participate in scheduled session (SCBC and/or Gold Ice) and to test may be suspended.
Once the members account is in good standing the skater will again be able to enjoy full membership rights and privileges.
Note: Any skater with an overdue account payable to their coach, will not be permitted to participate in schedule session activities, assessment days or ticket ice, until such time as the club is notified by the coach that the skater’s account is in good standing.
Under no circumstance can any credits on a skater’s account be redeemed for cash. A credit will remain on account until applied to a future registration. Credits are not transferrable.
Subject to a $50.00 administration surcharge.
Any withdrawal will be pro-rated from the time of notification. Withdrawals will be processed through, credit card.
The SCBC Base Registration Fee on your initial registration for the session are non-refundable.
The following fees comprise your SCBC Base Registration Fee and are not credited back upon withdrawal from the session. Skate Canada membership, Skate Ontario Membership, Safe Sport Fee, Insurance premium and SCBC Membership Fee.
SCBC from time to time takes photographs or video of the skaters. Any photograph or video may be included on our website or social media, in the local newspapers, or any other club related document, information sheet or advertising relating to the club. The use of photographs and video will be limited to these purposes. Please email if you have any questions regarding this policy.
We respect your privacy and are committed to maintaining your confidence and trust. Accordingly, we maintain the following privacy policy to protect personal information you provide online. This policy applies to your use of the Skate Canada Brampton Chinguacousywebsite and any other site that we may own or operate currently or in the future. If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please send an e-mail to or contact us at Skate Canada Brampton Chinguacousy, 1050 Sandalwood Parkway West, Brampton, Ontario L7A 0K9
We may request personal identification information from you in connection with your use of, or participation in, membership registration for SCBC, our contests, games, surveys, forums, subscription registrations, content submissions, chats, bulletin boards, discussion groups, requests for suggestions, and in connection with other activities, services or resources we make available on any of our sites. In all of these cases, we will collect personal identification information from you only if you voluntarily submit such information to us. We will never intentionally disclose any personal identification information about you as an individual user (such as, for example, your full name, street address, telephone number, credit card number or e-mail address) to any third party without having received your permission. If you do provide us with personal information for any of these activities, we may use it to conduct the activity. We may also use cookie technology (discussed in detail below) to improve your experience of these activities, including remembering your preferences, customizing the content and advertisements that you see or authenticate your access to your personal information. In addition, in the event your personally identifiable information is requested as part of our surveys or polls, such personally identifiable information may be added to your registration information).
SCBC does not sell, rent or lease its member lists to third parties. SCBC may, from time to time, contact you on behalf of external business partners about a particular offering that may be of interest to you. In those cases, your unique personally identifiable information (e-mail, name, address, telephone number) is not transferred to the third party. SCBC may however share data with trusted partners such as for example help us perform statistical analysis. In such a case, we request that the partner limit the use of your personal information to the provision of the services to SCBC and we request that they maintain the confidentiality of your information.
SCBC keeps track of the websites and pages our customers visit within SCBC, in order to determine what SCBC services are the most popular. This data is used to deliver customized content and advertising within SCBC to customers whose behaviour indicates that they are interested in a particular subject area.
Also, we may share aggregate statistical information with our partners, suppliers, advertisers, sponsors, licensors and other third parties, but we will not share any individual names, personal navigational or other personal information. For example, we may use a third-party advertising company to serve ads when you visit our sites. We may share demographic and preference information with this company to allow them to display appropriate advertisements for you.
We have the following exceptions regarding the disclosure of your personal information: we will disclose your personal information, without notice, (a) to comply with any valid legal inquiry, order or process served on SCBC or the site; (b) to protect and defend the rights or property of SCBC; and, (c) to protect the personal safety of users of SCBC, or the public. We may also transfer user information, including personally identifiable information, to a successor corporate entity in connection with a corporate merger, consolidation, sale of assets or corporate division or other fundamental corporate change.
The SCBC website use “cookies” to help you personalize your online experience. A cookie is a text file that is placed on your hard disk by a Web page server. Cookies cannot be used to run programs or deliver viruses to your computer. Cookies are uniquely assigned to you, and can only be read by a web server in the domain that issued the cookie to you.
One of the primary purposes of cookies is to provide a convenience feature to save you time. The purpose of a cookie is to tell the web server that you have returned to a specific page. For example, if you personalize SCBC pages, or register with SCBC sites or services, a cookie helps SCBC to recall your specific information on subsequent visits. This simplifies the process of recording your personal information, such as billing addresses, and so on. When you return to the same SCBC website, the information you previously provided can be retrieved, so you can easily use the SCBC features that you customized.
You have the ability to accept or decline cookies. Most Web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. If you choose to decline cookies, you may not be able to fully experience the interactive features of the SCBC services or websites you visit.
Users may find advertising or other content on our website that link to the sites and services of our partners, suppliers, advertisers, sponsors, licensors and other third parties. We do not control the contents or links that appear on these sites. In addition, these sites or services, including their contents and links, may be constantly changing. These websites and services may have their own privacy policies and customer service policies, or no policy (policies) at all. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of any third party sites or services before providing any of them with your personal information.
If you would like to review any personal information we have retained about you, please send us an e-mail request for this information at To help us address your request, please specify which information you wish to review. Once you have reviewed this information, at your request we will correct personal information about you that you state is erroneous. To request such a correction, please send an e-mail to You should be aware, however, that it is not always possible to completely remove or modify information in our databases and servers although we will always make reasonable efforts to do so upon your request.
In an effort to make our registrations paperless, we offer members the ability to complete online registration at
Parents must create an SCBC account as the member and then add the skater(s) as participant(s). For adult skaters and skaters (over 18 yrs.) who are registering for themselves, there is a checkbox to identify that you would also be the participant of a program.
- Did you forget your password? No problem. Request it online and it will be sent to you via email.
- Need your Registration Invoice? Log in and select ‘MY ACCOUNT’ and then the Invoice tab to reprint an invoice for current and past programs.
Make sure that your Account has an accurate email address and phone number should we need to contact you. Your email is the primary source of communication on all club information.
Reminder! If your credit card has been renewed, please ensure that you update your account with the latest information. SCBC does not have access to your credit card information. Only you, as a member, are able to update your credit card details in your account.
- Residents: If you or your landlord is paying property taxes in the City of Brampton, you are considered a Brampton resident (proof of residency may be requested)
- Non-Resident: If you or your landlord is not paying property taxes to the City of Brampton, you are considered a non-resident. Brampton municipal taxes are used to subsidize all youth programs; therefore, anyone participating in our programs who do not pay taxes to the City of Brampton is subject to a Non-Resident fee on their registration. This fee is 50% of the base registration for the program.
In order to provide safe and enjoyable programming, age restrictions may be applied to certain program offerings. Skaters must be the minimum age required on the start date of the program (unless otherwise stated). Proof of age may be required at the time of registration.
To register for the CanSkate program, SCBC’s Learn to Skate Program, skaters must be at least 4 years of age by the end of December of the current year. Skaters must be at least 3 years old at the time of program start to participate in the Pre-CanSkate Program. Skaters over the age of 18 must show proof of registration and must be attending full-time post-secondary education in order to sign up for SCBC sessions due to the fact that SCBC is a youth subsidized program by the City of Brampton, or be training full time in a high performance Skate Canada program (Junior or Senior level skaters). SCBC does also offer an adult sessions for those who wish to continue skating.
Screening of personnel and volunteers is an important part of providing a safe environment and has become a common practice among sport organizations which deliver programs and services to youth.
Skate Canada Brampton Chinguacousy volunteers, staff and contractors may be screened via this policy as determined by the risk level associated with the nature of their particular role which may relate to, at a minimum, finances, supervision or Vulnerable Individuals.
All coaches over the age of 18 in Ontario are subject to screening as per the Skate Canada Coach Registration Policy in order to coach in any Skate Ontario program and to be accredited for events in the province.
All judges, evaluators, technical officials and data specialists are subject to screening as per the Skate Canada screening requirement in order to officiate at an assessment day or competition in the province.
Vulnerable person: A person under the age of 18 years old and/or a person who, because of age, disability or other circumstance, is in a position of dependence on others or is otherwise at a greater risk than the general population of being harmed by people in positions of trust or authority.
- In general, the risk level increases as the staff or volunteer’s direct supervision and authority over a vulnerable person, cash management or other vulnerable sectors increases. Screening standards will be based on position description.
- The recruitment process for designated positions may involve:
- Filling out an application form for the position
- Interviewing for the position
- Checking references that may be specific to working with children or youth o Submitting avalid background screening
- If a background screening check is required, it must be done through a company approved by SCBCand must show a status of “Clear” (valid for three years)
- If an individual in a role designated for screening at any time is charged, receives a conviction for, or isfound guilty of, an offence, they will report this circumstance immediately to the President and the screening procedure will be followed
- At any time and at the discretion of the President and/or the Board of Directors staff and/or volunteers may be asked to provide a current and satisfactory screening check
- Each SCBC staff member that is supervising a SCBC event or program is responsible for ensuring that the necessary screening has been completed for the individuals assigned to that event or program, and that they are completed prior to the event or program
- All records will be maintained in a confidential manner and will not be disclosed to others except as required by law, or for use in legal or disciplinary proceedings
- An individual who is determined to require screening and does not comply will be ineligible for their designated position
- SCBC may require other measures including positions descriptions, interviews, training and job applications to complement screening requirements
Positions will be assessed as follows:
- Low risk:
- Activity not primarily associated with vulnerable persons
- Contact with vulnerable persons occurs in a public setting with other adults present
- No physical contact with vulnerable persons
- No position of trust or authority over vulnerable persons
- No access to personal or confidential information from individuals associated with SCBC
- No access to sensitive or confidential organizational information
Examples: Parents, youth or volunteers who are helping on a non-regular or informal basis
- High risk:
- Contact with vulnerable persons while no other adults present
- Access to confidential information from individuals associated with SCBC
- Operating a motor vehicle transporting vulnerable persons associated with SCBC
Examples: Coaches
SCBC will maintain and review this policy every three years at a minimum.
The purpose of this policy is to safeguard the organization’s integrity, image and branding. All representatives of Skate Canada Brampton Chinguacousy are required to exercise good judgment in their use of social media and conduct themselves in a responsible and respectful manner when contributing and interacting in online spaces.
This policy is applicable to all SCBC stakeholders. This policy is not intended to interfere with the private lives of our employees, volunteers, board or team members or to impinge on the right to freedom of speech.
Social media: Should be understood in its broadest interpretation to include but is not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, blogs, electronic newsletters, online forums and other sites and services that permit users to share information with others in a contemporaneous matter.
Official use: Refers to anyone posting on behalf of the organization, with any form of SCBC in their username or description.
Personal use: Refers to posts about SCBC through a personal, non-affiliated account of an employee, volunteer, board or team member. SCBC employees, volunteers, board and team members are free to publish or comment via social media in accordance with this policy.
- The purpose of using social media channels on behalf of SCBC is to support the organization’s mission, goals, programs, efforts and events, including news, information, content and objectives
- When posting on behalf of SCBC, refrain from reporting, speculation, discussion or giving opinions on SCBC topics or personalities that could be considered sensitive, confidential or disparaging
- Confidential or proprietary information that has been shared with you should not be publicized on social media channels
- As in all communications, the employees, volunteers, board and team members should be consistent in their message when posting about SCBC. Users are not permitted to post information, photos or other representations of inappropriate behaviour, or items that could be interpreted as demeaning or inflammatory.
- All communications will be respectful of others. This includes the obvious (no ethnic slurs, offensive comments, defamatory comments, personal insults and obscenity) but also proper consideration of privacy of objectionable topics, such as politics and religion.
- Posters are encouraged to tag the accounts of athletes and coaches, along with images, provided the action does not release any personal information the subject does not already have on their account/handle
- SCBC’s social media channels are to be used for positive interaction. Refrain from posting negative or critical comments about or relating to athletes, officials, coaches, staff or organizations.
- When posting on behalf of SCBC, professionalism and quality must be maintained. This includes the use of proper grammar, syntax, style and accuracy of information in all posts. All communications should adhere to the brand guidelines and established online voice of SCBC.
- Posters will not use social media to promote goods or services not affiliated with SCBC
- Material posted on SCBC media platforms that does not follow the Social Media Policy, will be promptly
removed or the individual who posted on an affiliated account will be asked to remove said post. It is not the intent of SCBC to police accounts, so please, stay positive, humble and professional.
If you see a misrepresentation of SCBC in the media, you may point it out and report it to SCBC staff. Conversations are encouraged, but if you feel the values of SCBC are being contradicted, please address the issue immediately.
If an error is made, correct it quickly and if you modify an earlier post, make it known that you have done so. If accused of posting something incorrect, seek official response from the department which the issue concerns and correct immediately.
- Encourage others to share SCBC content
- Use relevant hashtags
- Keep content fresh
- Use photos and videos to increase interaction on posts
- Include links to websites or other external posts
- Respond to comments in a timely manner and in a positive fashion
- Pose questions to stimulate discussions
- Commenting and retweeting is important, but don’t flood timeline
- Send messages to multiple channels (e.g. an Instagram post to Facebook)
This policy has been written to complement the SCBC Code of Conduct and breach of its guidelines may be subject to disciplinary action.
SCBC maintains and reviews this policy every three years at a minimum.
“Ticket Ice” is additional time that a SCBC member can arrange with their coach(es) to supplement their regular practice and training routine. Ticket ice cannot be used as a primary training period in lieu of registering in a regularly scheduled session.
Ticket Ice time is available to all SCBC registered members, who have registered in minimum two (2) day, regularly scheduled SCBC session. If you are not registered in a minimum of a two (2) scheduled session, you are not eligible to use “Ticket Ice” time. Gold Ice registered skaters, StarSkate (Age 12+) and CanSkate athletes may also use ticket ice. To use Ticket Ice, a skater must be working with their coach on that session.
To access Ticket Ice, all members are required to, pre-register. Pre-registration can be done through the members account in Uplifter. Registration is done on a per day basis, see monthly schedule operating hours for availability. When using Ticket Ice, all skaters must register online.
Out of club skaters who are registered members of Skate Canada, in good standing at their club and registered in a 2-day session in their club can access Ticket Ice privileges with an SCBC coach during Ticket Ice times. These skaters and/or their coach are responsible for the advance purchase of authorized ice time for use the day of their skating. Any coach/instructor who is not on SCBC coaching staff, may not instruct on Ticket Ice without the knowledge and prior authorization of the SCBC Board.
Skaters are not permitted on the ice without the presence of an SCBC contracted coach.
Any skater found to be using a Ticket Ice session without a coach on the ice, will immediately be suspended from all Ticket Ice privileges for the remainder of the season.
Concerns and inquiries can be made directly to
SCBC operates as a not-for-profit organization that requires the support of volunteers to operate successfully. The club offers various volunteer opportunities throughout the course of the skating season, such as events and competitions that we host in partnership with Skate Ontario.
We also have several other volunteer opportunities throughout the season including the Holiday show in December and session reps for CanSkate and other sessions and our annual Star 1-4 Club Competition.
The volunteer commitment applies to all registered skater families in the following sessions; Bridging, Star 1-2, Star 3-4, Star 5+, Open, Ice Dance, Junior Academy, Pre-Competitive, StarSkate (Age 12+) and Gold Ice Synchronized Skating Teams.
The volunteer requirement for each family is 15 volunteer hours or $300. For families with multiple children in our program, an additional 5 hours or $75 is required per each additional child.
The volunteer fee ($300 for first skater + $75 for each additional skater) will be added to your 2024-2025 registration. Once your volunteer hours have been verified, the credit will be returned in the form of a direct refund to your credit card, or a credit to be used for future SCBC programming.
Note: There is no payout for partial hours completed against your deposit. If you do not complete the required number of volunteer hours, your credit will not be returned.
Volunteer hours may be contributed by skaters, only where the skater has reached 16 years of age. There are a limited number of opportunities for these skaters to gain the necessary hours. Check with the SCBC Board to determine what qualifies as acceptable hours. These skaters at their discretion, can use these hours towards the High School Volunteer Commitment that students are required to complete. Volunteer hours may not be used for both, therefore the skater will need to decide how they would like their hours counted.
CanSkate Program Assistant hours do not count as part of the volunteer commitment under this program.
Volunteer Reporting Cards are available for all members through the SCBC website or in the office. Once you have completed a volunteer session, you are to record this on your form and have it signed off in the club office. Only SCBC Board members are able to authorize your volunteer hours.
Volunteer forms are due back to the club, attention SCBC Board on or before June 1st of the skating year. Only these hours will be used to count towards your volunteer hours for the year. Any hours after June 1st will be counted towards the following year’s volunteer commitment.
Skaters who register for a StarSkate (or higher) or bridging program March 1st or later are not required to complete the volunteer commitment.
Information on each of these volunteer opportunities will be communicated out to our membership as each event approaches.