COVID-19 Update

Skate Canada Brampton-Chinguacousy (SCBC) has been watching closely the situational effects of COVID-19 with The City of Brampton and the Peel Public Health. There are no known confirmed cases of COVID-19 that have direct ties to SCBC or Cassie Campbell Community Centre.

At this time there is no plan to cancel or postpone any regularly schedule skating sessions, practices or events. We will continue to monitor the situation and seek advice and recommendations in the coming days and weeks to make sure we make informed decisions about any changes to that plan. The overriding factor in our decisions will be the safety of our skaters, staff and coaches.

We will communicate any changes to events as soon as we have additional information.

Peel Public Health is reporting the current risk of contracting COVID-19 as low.

COVID-19 causes respiratory illness that can spread from person-to-person. Symptoms have ranged from mild to severe, and commonly include fever, cough and shortness of breath. If you may have developed symptoms of COVID – 19, you are required to contact your primary care provider, local public health unit or Telehealth Ontario (1-866-797-0000) immediately.

If you are confirmed to have contracted COVID-19, you are required to contact SCBC immediately. Please email club Vice President, Dan Wilkinson immediately at to advise us of your situation.


In efforts to ensure all SCBC & Gold Ice Skaters remain safe and virus-free, all skaters should follow the guidelines listed below:

Skaters who have flu like symptoms:

  • Skaters who have flu-like symptoms (such as fevers, cough and muscle aches) should contact their doctor, stay at home, avoid contact with others and contact their coach

You have no symptoms but have been in close contact with an ill person who recently travelled to one of the COVID-19 affected areas or has been in close contact with a person suspected/infected with COVID-19:

  • Immediately contact your local health department, stay home, avoid contact with others, contact your coach  and notify your physician.
  • Coaches: Contact Dan Wilkinson phone(416) 936-4891 email: for further guidance
  • Once a skater receives clearance from their physician they may return to practice

If you or a household member (e.g. roommate, family member) have no symptoms but recently travelled to one of the below COVID-19 affected areas in the last 14 days:

  • Immediately contact your local health department, stay home, avoid contact with others, contact your coach and notify your physician


Please keep our community healthy!

As with any illness, it is advisable for people to stay home if ill, and to avoid contact with others who are or could possibly be ill. The following safety precautions have been suggested to help reduce exposure to this virus:

  • Eliminate hand shaking, unnecessary physical contact
  • Covering your coughs and sneezes with a tissue
  • Frequent washing of your hands

The City of Brampton is undertaken measures within its public facilities to help protect the community: Increased frequency of cleaning and disinfecting facilities, including public counters and washrooms. Additional handwashing signage has been placed in washrooms, and new hand-sanitizing stations are placed at all facility entrances and washrooms.


We will communicate and update all changes of club activities to our members as quickly as possible.


Skate Canada’s statement regarding COVID-19

Skate Ontario’s statement regarding COVID-19