The first step towards pursuing figure skating is to get started in our CanSkate program which is Skate Canada’s Learn to Skate program. Once a skater has completed all 6 stages of the CanSkate Program they are eligible to move into our entry level Figure Skating program, StarSkate, at the Star 1-2 level.

Yes, skaters must have passed Stage 6 of the CanSkate program to participate in the StarSkate program.

If your skater has passed Stage 6 at a different club, please email with a copy of your skaters report card so we can update your account accordingly.

Yes, skaters looking to start in figure skating must first complete our CanSkate program which is taught by Skate Canada Professional Coaches. Skaters with prior experience in skating tend to move through the 6 stages of CanSkate quicker than someone with no prior experience. For our CanSkate programs, all 6 levels are on the ice at the same time separated by skill set. Skaters are continuously evaluated by our CanSkate coordinator who will place them into a group appropriate for their current skill set.

Upon completion of the CanSkate program skaters are invited to begin in our StarSkate program.

Skaters in the StarSkate program are required to wear figure skates. Hockey skates are not suitable for this program. Athletic clothing, skating skirts or skating dresses can be worn by skaters during practice ice. Hooded sweatshirts are not recommended as they can obstruct sightline and get in the way. Skaters passed Stage 5 of CanSkate are no longer required to wear a helmet while on the ice.

Figure skates must be purchased from a figure skate retailer. Please see more information on required equipment at the StarSkate level on our required equipment page:


We strongly recommend that you speak with your skater’s private coach before purchasing figure skates as they may have recommendations for your skater.

Skates must be sharpened by a professional after every 15-25 hours of skating. Figure Skates MUST be sharpened by a professional at a Figure Skating store (locations listed on our REQUIRED EQUIPMENT page). SCBC also provides a monthly Figure Skate Sharpening Service at Cassie Campbell. Please keep an eye on your emails for information on the next upcoming sharpening date.

StarSkate sessions are run with a combination of group lessons, private or semi-private lessons with your skaters base coach, and individual working time.

Each Star 1-2 session is 60min in length and includes 2x 15min group lessons usually taught at the beginning and end of each session. During the non group lesson times skaters may have a private or semi private lesson with their base coach and also will start to learn how to practice and work independently. Base coaches will provide their skaters with tips and tools on what to practice when they aren’t in a lesson.

A private (or base coach), is required at the StarSkate level. Your skater will need a private coach to track their progress and to determine when your skater is ready to move on to the next level. There are no report cards and level tracking in the STARSkate program, so skaters will need a private coach to help direct their progress. Progress is determined by assessments, administered by the coach and at higher levels in front of judges on Assessment Days.

If your skater is nearing completion of the CanSkate program, is interested in pursuing figure skating and has not been connected with a private coach yet, please contact Operations Coordinator Andrea Clement at

The agreement is between you and the coach. Most coaches invoice their skaters on a monthly basis, and you make payment directly to them.

Coaches are independent contractors, and their fees are based on NCCP qualifications and experience. Please speak to the coach directly before agreeing to work with them to find out their coaching fees.

Skaters at the StarSkate level (youth) are required to skate a minimum of twice per week. This is the minimum, although the more you skate, the faster you tend to progress.

Skaters who are skating on a StarSkate (Age 12+) session are only required to skate once per week as long as it is on one of the StarSkate (Age 12+) sessions.

Skaters move up to the next level of StarSkate by completing StarSkate assessments. Qualifications for each StarSkate session can be found on our Fall, Winter, Spring Programs page.

Your coach will guide your skater through the assessment process and let you know when they are ready to be assessed as well as how the process works and how to pay your assessment fee online. Feel free to speak to your skater’s coach outside of their on ice time if you would like to know more about your skater’s progress and the assessment process.

There is no specific time limit on how long a skater will spend at each level as every skater learns and progresses at their own pace. Skaters are required to pass a certain amount of assessments, which may include specific assessments, in order to move to higher StarSkate sessions.
No. Participants are to attend all classes as scheduled for the program in which they are registered. In the event that a participant is unable to attend a scheduled class(es), make-up classes, refunds, or credits for the missed class(es) will not be provided.

SCBC is pleased to be home of a competitive Ice Dance and Synchronized Skating Program. Skaters involved in these programs have completed the CanSkate program and have started in the StarSkate level at the Star 1-2 level.

For all inquiries regarding the Ice Dance Program, please contact Matthew Doleman and Pamela Krolick

For all inquiries regarding the Gold Ice Synchronized Skating Program, please contact

You can read more about these programs here:


Any questions regarding your skater’s progress should be directed to your skater’s coach. Feel free to speak to your skater’s coach outside of their on ice time or send them an email if you would like to know more about your skater’s progress.

For more information on our StarSkate program please visit our StarSkate page here:


You can also view our StarSkate Orientation package here: