To our valued SCBC skaters and families,
As you are aware, positive/new cases of COVID-19 have been steadily on the rise within Peel Region and we have been monitoring the situation closely.
Today the Government of Ontario put new orders in place for Ontario businesses, facilities and other establishments.
We have spoken with the City of Brampton and they have confirmed, at least at this time, that the orders put in place today by the Province within the hot spots in Ontario (Peel, Toronto and Ottawa) do not directly affect our scheduled programs.
According to the City, no changes to participant limits for our programs have been made. The indoor gathering limit of 10 people is related to public events and non-sporting events.
We encourage skaters to wear masks while skating however this is not mandatory under the exemption that they are participating in physical activity. Non-medical face masks are still required when entering and exiting the facility, inside the building upper and lower lobbies, and inside the spectating areas.
Skate Canada Brampton Chinguacousy is committed to providing a healthy and safe training environment for our skaters. We will continue to work closely with Skate Ontario and the City of Brampton to ensure that up to date protocols are in place and followed closely at all times. Should any new information become available from the City of Brampton, Skate Ontario or the Provincial Government, we will provide updates to our website, social media channels, and directly to our members through email.
Please feel free to reach out to Operations Coordinator Andrea Nesbitt at you have any additional questions.
SCBC Board and Staff