Skate Canada Brampton Chinguacousy is committed to providing a healthy and safe training environment for our skaters. We will continue to work closely with Skate Ontario and the City of Brampton to ensure that up to date protocols are in place and followed closely at all times.

If you have any questions regarding these protocols please reach out to Dan Wilkinson at

City of Brampton
Proof of Vaccination Requirements for Participants and Spectators
Effective January 3rd, 2022, all patrons entering the facility must first complete the online Covid-19 daily screening. This can be accessed via the following link:
The link will also be available via QR code at the building entrance.
On September 14, 2021, the Government of Ontario released regulations and guidance for proof of vaccination to enter certain facilities. In accordance with the law, the City of Brampton will require proof of vaccination for access to designated activities and areas such as sports and recreation fitness, meeting rooms and entertainment/cultural venues starting September 22, 2021. Exemptions will be made as permitted by the Government of Ontario’s regulations.
The Region of Peel announced on October 15, 2021 that they will be updating their proof of vaccination requirements for youth sports participants 12 years of age and older effective November 1st.
Effective November 1, 2021 at 12:01 a.m., all participants 12 years and older entering sports or recreational fitness facilities in Peel will be required to provide proof of vaccination or a valid medical exemption, along with identification. This will apply to youth and all coaches, instructors, caregivers, volunteers, and game officials.
You can read the full announcement and information here:
If you need to make any changes to your membership as a result of this announcement, please contact club Administrator John Chandler at For any other questions please reach out to Operations Coordinator Andrea Nesbitt at
**Athletes under the age of 10 will not be permitted in the building without a parent or guardian (age 16 or older) present. Parents and guardians must be able to show proof of vaccination or written documentation supplied by a physician or nurse practitioner indicating medical support for not being fully vaccinated and government issued identification documentation.

Allowable exemptions for vaccination requirement include:

  • Youth under 12 years of age

Entering the Building:
Please note that all individuals entering Cassie Campbell Community Center must now check in at the west entrance of the building. All other entrances will be closed. While City of Brampton staff will do their best to ensure the screening process moves as quickly as possible, we ask that you plan to arrive early for your session to ensure there is adequate time to complete the necessary checks.

The following will be required at point of entry:

  • Ontario Ministry of Health COVID-19 vaccination certificate or other Government issued vaccination record **Must include QR code (printed or digital)
  • Personal identification which includes name & birthdate – photo ID is not required.
    • Examples include: birth certificate, citizenship card, driver’s license, government issued ID such as a health card, passport or permanent resident card.
    • Expired Ontario issued ID or Canadian Passports may be provided as proof of ID only, all others must be valid.
Masks must continue to be worn by all patrons inside the building. Athletes are permitted to remove once on the ice or when partaking in an off-ice class, however masks must be worn in all common spaces include change rooms, washrooms and hallways.

Those who require their vaccine certificate can print or download their vaccination receipt from the provincial booking portal.
We appreciate your cooperation and patience during this time. If you have any additional questions regarding this update, please contact SCBC President Dan Wilkinson at or Operations Coordinator Andrea Nesbitt at

To our valued members,


We hope that all of our members and their families are staying healthy and safe during these unprecedented times. We are missing the ice dearly, as we sure you all are as well, and look forward to the day when we are able to see each other again. It certainly has been a very long haul this time.


When Skate Ontario announced that clubs would be able to move forward with offering day camps that include skating activity during stage 1 of the Reopening framework, we were excited and optimistic. Unfortunately we have encountered a road block. Participating in indoor sport activities, even when a part of a day camp, seems to be a grey area for many municipalities including Peel. Peel Public health has denied our requests to move forward with our Stage 1 and 2 camps at this time in a public facility.


At this point, we are moving forward with next steps for our training programs.


Stage 2 Off-Ice Outdoor & Virtual Training

We are excited to announce that starting in Stage 2, we will be able to train outdoors in-person in groups of up to 25 participants. The opportunity to train, even off the ice, with our skaters in person is definitely very exciting. We will be sharing information shortly regarding our off-ice program that will run from July 5th to July 23rd. This program will include a mix of virtual and in-person off-ice classes including jump classes and fitness classes. Skaters will have the option of registering for the fitness, the jump-class program or the all-inclusive program. This program is open to skaters at the Bronze level or higher. Classes will take place between the hours of 4:00 and 6:00pm. Please watch for an email later this week outlining the program and registration dates in full.



Stage 3 On-Ice Training

Our intention is to resume on-ice training once we are in Stage 3, which means a potential start date of July 26th. Plans are in motion and we hope to share tentative schedules, pricing, and registration information with our members as soon as possible. Unfortunately we likely won’t know all of the regulation details for Stage 3 (ie: maximum training group size, levels permitted to train etc,) until closer to the start date, which does make it difficult to plan, but we are going to do our best to keep you informed each step of the way.


While we are frustrated and disappointed that we aren’t able to return to the ice during Stage 1 or 2, we are hopeful for the future and excited about being able to plan for the return of on-ice programming in Stage 3.

SCBC will continue to update members on any changes to the situation and plans to move forward. We encourage you to follow our social media channels @SkateSCBC on Instagram and You can also visit the City of Brampton website for up to date information on how they are handling the situation:


The SCBC Office remains closed through the duration of the facility closure and we will continue to monitor emails during this time. If you have any other questions please contact SCBC Vice-President Dan Wilkinson at

Thank you for your patience and understanding at this time.

-SCBC Staff and Board

Please read the below documents before visiting Cassie Campbell Community Centre to skate on any SCBC Sessions.

Daily Instructions – Instructions on what to do before you arrive at the rink and policies and procedures while at Cassie Campbell Community Centre.

Skate Ontario Waiver – This will be completed on the first invoice per skater for the 2020-21 season. This policy must be accepted at the time of registration in order for skaters to step on the ice.

Health Screening Questions – You no longer need to bring a form with you to the rink. We have moved to passive screening, anyone wishing to enter the facility must be able to answer “No” to all the questions. If you answer yes to any questions, you must stay home.

A detailed traffic flow policy has been implemented at Cassie Campbell Community Centre to prevent overlap of groups and contact with other facility users. Arena users will have their own dedicated entrance and exit that is separate from other rental groups in the facility.

Building Entrance and Exit
The only entrance for arena users will be the West entrance beside the police station as noted on the map below. All skaters and coaches must enter through this door. There is a parking circle for skater drop off and pickup.

Individuals may enter the building no earlier than 10min prior to their scheduled start time.

Personal Protective Equipment

Peel Public Health requires use of non-medical masks in public buildings unless exempt by due to medical reasons. All individuals must wear a face covering when entering and exiting the facility. Masks may be removed by coaches and athletes for the duration of their on-ice session. Skaters are highly encouraged to wear skating gloves as well. Spectators are asked to wear face masks in the viewing area.

Changing Areas

Skaters are encouraged to arrive “skate ready” fully dressed and with skates on if possible. There will be limited access to changerooms on site. There will be three (3) designated areas for skaters to put on / take off their skates if they require to do so at the facility:

  1. Chairs will be set up 6ft apart from one another outside the building entrance door
  2. Two changerooms per session will be available for a limited number of skaters to put their skates on while practicing social distancing. Dressing rooms will be assigned for each session and skaters who require use of a changeroom are asked to check in with the session rep upon arrival as to their dressing room assignment.
  3. Chairs and benches will also be available just inside each arena entrance.


As there are no rubber mats in the outdoor changing area or lobby of the facility, a pair of hard skate guards will be required by all skaters if arriving with your skates on or using the outdoor changing area. You can purchase these at any figure skating store or sports store:

Skater Check-In
Parents are asked to drop their skaters off at the sliding door entrance to the arena pad they are scheduled to skate on. A volunteer or SCBC board member will check in skaters at these entrances and will also accompany them back for pickup at the conclusion of the session.


One parent or guardian per athlete will be permitted into the building. There will be a standing room only viewing area on the second floor above the stands. Please note the stands are CLOSED to access at this time. A limited number of chairs will be available in accessible seating for those who require a seat. Spectators are asked to practice social distancing and keep their masks on at all times.


  • Skaters and coaches will have access to the washrooms which are between arena A and B.
  • Spectators will have access to the public washroom near the community rooms.

Is my skater required to wear a mask or gloves during their session?

Peel Public Health requires use of non-medical masks in public buildings unless exempt by due to medical reasons. All individuals must wear a face covering when entering and exiting the facility. Masks may be removed by coaches and athletes while engaged in athletic activity which includes on-ice and off-ice training. Skaters are highly encouraged to wear skating gloves as well. Spectators are asked to wear face masks in the viewing area.

What happens if a skater shows symptoms or tests positive for Covid-19?

Please refer to the Skate Ontario Return to Play (see page 13) for information on policies and procedures should an individual have any symptoms and/or test positive for Covid-19. Contact information for the SCBC Covid-19 Oversight committee is listed below.

Are change rooms available for skater use?

Yes change rooms are now open however skaters are still encouraged to arrive “skate ready” fully dressed and with skates on if possible.

There will be limited access to changerooms on site. There are two (2) designated areas for skaters to put on / take off their skates if they require to do so at the facility:

  1. Two change rooms are assigned per session – please check with the session rep for the change room assignment. Skaters are asked to keep their masks on and practice social distancing at all times while using change rooms.
  2. Chairs and benches will also be available just inside each arena entrance.

Can I watch my skaters session?

Yes parents and spectators are now permitted inside the building. The parent/guardian must respect all policies and procedures, including physical distancing and the use of non-medical face masks, or they will be immediately removed from the facility. Spectators are asked to watch sessions from the upstairs viewing areas and stands seating.

My child is brand new to skating, can they join the CanSkate program?

At this time our coaches are now permitted to provide hands on assistance to skaters so skaters of all levels are welcome to join our program.

We would like to inform you of the individuals who will be acting as the COVID-19 Oversight Group as we transition back to skating activities. The following people will comprise this COVID-19 Oversight Group.

Dan Wilkinson – SCBC President – 416-936-4891 –

Adam Collis – SCBC Secretary – 905-334-1974 –

John Chandler – SCBC Administrator – 905-450-5581 –

Should you have any questions about any aspects of the Return to Play protocols or other policies and procedures related to COVID-19, please contact one of the individuals above.