To our Valued Members,
This past week Skate Ontario made the first steps to roll out their plan for a return to the ice. Stage 1 allows for high performance athletes to resume on-ice training in groups of 4 skaters and 1 coach while following their Return-to-Play protocol. You can view the full protocol for stage 1 here:
To summarize a few of the key aspects of Stage 1:
- High Performance Skaters are being permitted to resume on-ice training at this time.
- High performance skaters include: Novice, Junior and Senior competitors for singles, pairs and ice dance and Junior and Senior competitors for synchronized skating.
- Skaters follow social gathering guidelines and therefore right now 4 skaters may train at any given time with 1 coach present.
- Athletes and coaches must follow social distancing guidelines and therefore must maintain 6 feet apart at all times. (This also applies for pair/dance teams and sys skaters – even if the skaters are from the same household).
At this time, only high performance athletes have been permitted to return to skating as outlined above and in the Skate Ontario Return-to-Play protocol. Only these athletes are permitted to resume on-ice training while following Skate Ontario’s return to play policy.
While municipal facilities including Cassie Campbell Community Centre remain closed, some private facilities across the GTA have begun opening their doors for figure skating clubs. At this time, Skate Canada and SCBC insurance will only cover high performance athletes and their coaches. Athletes at other levels are not permitted to resume on ice training even if their coach or parent chooses to book ice at a private facility.
We are eagerly awaiting the return to the ice for the rest of our athletes and hope that by closely following the Provincial COVID-19 guidelines this day will come sooner rather than later. We will continue to keep our members up to date as further information is shared from Skate Ontario.
If you have any questions regarding the Skate Ontario Return to Play policy please feel free to reach out to Operations Coordinator Andrea Nesbitt at
SCBC will continue to update members on any changes to the situation and plans to move forward. We encourage you to follow our social media channels @SkateSCBC on Instagram and Facebook. You can also visit the Skate Ontario website and the City of Brampton website for up to date information on how they are handling the situation.
The SCBC Office remains closed through the duration of the facility closure and we will continue to monitor emails during this time. If you have any other questions please contact SCBC Vice-President Dan Wilkinson at
Thank you for your patience and understanding at this time.
SCBC Staff and Board
Hi SCBC families and skaters,
As some of you heard during the Skate Ontario town hall Facebook Live tonight, at this time it is looking like Skate Ontario and the province are moving forward with permitting high performance athletes (Novice, Junior and Senior for Singles, Pairs, & Ice Dance and Junior and Senior for Synchronized Skating) to return to the ice in small groups pending municipalities opening their facilities.
At this time there are a few factors that still need to be addressed:
- Skate Ontario needs to provide the official Return to Sport Policy.
- Municipalities agreeing to open their facilities.
While we know everyone is eager to return as soon as possible, we are taking this as positive news knowing that a plan is in place. We will be staying very close to Skate Ontario as well as the City of Brampton throughout this phased roll out and will provide information as soon as we hear any more updates.
For now we will continue to be patient and do our part by practicing social distancing.
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Vice President Dan Wilkinson at
SCBC Board and Staff
To our valued members,
We hope that all of our members and their families are staying healthy and safe during these unprecedented times. We are missing the ice dearly, as we sure you all are as well, and look forward to the day when we are able to see each other again.
As some of you may have seen today, the Province of Ontario made an announcement regarding the next phase of the re-opening process. The comprehensive list of sectors that are permitted to open includes professional and amateur sport activity including training and competition conducted by a recognized Provincial Sport Organization, National Sport Organization, or recognized national Provincial training center with return to play protocols in place.
The return date for our programming will depend on when the City of Brampton determines the appropriate time to re-open facilities. We are in discussions with city representatives to determine when this may be and next steps. At this time we are also waiting further communication and direction from Skate Ontario. We will work together to adapt our policies and procedures so that when we are able to resume, we can do so in a manner that is safe for all skaters, coaches, staff, and family members.
You can read the latest update from Skate Ontario here.
At this time we are hopeful to run our 2020 Summer programming and will continue to update our members as we receive updated direction from Skate Canada and more information on facility re-opening dates are provided by the City of Brampton.
SCBC will continue to update members on any changes to the situation and plans to move forward. We encourage you to follow our social media channels @SkateSCBC on Instagram and Facebook. You can also visit the Skate Ontario website and the City of Brampton website for up to date information on how they are handling the situation.
The SCBC Office remains closed through the duration of the facility closure and we will continue to monitor emails during this time. If you have any other questions please contact SCBC Vice-President Dan Wilkinson at
Thank you for your patience and understanding at this time.
SCBC Staff & Board
To our valued members,
We hope that all of our members and their families are staying healthy and safe during these unprecedented times. We are missing the ice dearly, as we sure you all are as well, and look forward to the day when we are able to see each other again.
With recent updates that the City of Brampton has decided to extend the closure of all recreation facilities, SCBC will be cancelling all remaining sessions for the 2019-2020 Fall-Winter-Spring program. City of Brampton recreation facilities will remain closed until June 30th, 2020.
Credits will posted to all member accounts for all sessions that were missed during this closure that can be used towards future registrations. Once credits have been issued we will send each member an email providing them with an update on their account and the exact value of their credit. Should any member have any questions or concerns related to this process or their account, please email
The 2019-2020 Annual General Meeting and Awards Ceremony will be postponed to a late date this year.
At this time we are hopeful to run our 2020 Summer programming and will continue to update our members as we receive updated direction from Skate Canada and more information on facility re-opening dates are provided by the City of Brampton.
SCBC will continue to update members on any changes to the situation and plans to move forward. We encourage you to follow our social media channels @SkateSCBC on Instagram and Facebook. You can also visit the Skate Ontario website and the City of Brampton website for up to date information on how they are handling the situation.
The SCBC Office remains closed through the duration of the facility closure and we will continue to monitor emails during this time. If you have any other questions please contact SCBC Vice-President Dan Wilkinson at
Thank you for your patience and understanding at this time.
SCBC Staff and Board