Star 1-4 Summer Program & Off Ice Only Program

SCBC is pleased to share information on our Star 1-4 and Off-Ice Only July program packages. As per Skate Ontario return-to-play policies, skaters who have completed CanSkate Stage 6 in full are permitted to resume on-ice training.

At this time, based on the Province of Ontario social gathering guidelines, up to 10 individuals are permitted on the ice at one time which must include at least one Skate Canada Professional Coach.

SCBC will be closely following recommendations set out by Peel Public Health, Skate Ontario and the City of Brampton as we resume our on-ice training programs. Detailed policies and procedures will be communicated to all program participants ahead of time. For more information we encourage you to review the Skate Ontario Return-to-Play policy available here:


We are offering a 4-week program beginning the week of July 6th for those skaters that meet the Skate Ontario requirements. The program will include ice time as well as online off-ice classes via zoom. On ice sessions will take place at Cassie Campbell Community Centre and off-ice classes will be online via zoom for skaters to participate in from home.

  • 1x 75min on-ice sessions per week
  • 3x 60min zoom off-ice classes per week including:
    • Tuesdays: Fitness @ 2:30-3:30pm
    • Wednesdays: Pilates / Flexibility @ 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursdays: Fitness @ 2:30-3:30pm


FEE: $205.00


Due to restrictions on how many athletes can train at one time, ice time slots are being assigned to each private coach. Skaters will be assigned to the day that their private coach is coaching:

Mondays/Wednesdays:            Tara Dodds & Tara Dowdles (Either Mon or Wed pending registration numbers)

Wednesdays:                            Ashley

Tuesdays:                                 Tessa & Sasha

Thursdays:                                Pamela Krolick, Robin Cheisa, Lauren Miglia & Jessica Brown


Registration for the Star 1-4 July program will open via Uplifter at 9:00am on Tuesday, June 30th and close at 11:59pm on Thursday, July 2nd. Skaters are asked to please contact their private coach before registering for the summer program.


Ice times will be between 8:30am and 2:00pm. As time slots are pendant on how many skaters register for the summer program, detailed schedules will be released on Friday, July 3rd.


There will be no Assessment Days before August 15th, 2020 as per Skate Ontario guidelines.


For skaters who are choosing not to resume on-ice training at this time, SCBC is pleased to offer an online off-ice only package via zoom. This 4-week program beginning the week of July 6th includes 3x 60min zoom off-ice classes per week and is open to skaters at the Bronze level or higher. Classes include:

  • Tuesdays: Fitness
  • Wednesdays: Pilates / Flexibility
  • Thursdays: Fitness


Class Times:

2:30-3:30pm on Tuesday’s, Wednesdays and Thursdays.


FEE: $50.00


Registration for the off-ice only program will open via Uplifter at 9:00am on Tuesday, June 30th and close at 11:59pm on Thursday, July 2nd.

We are looking forward to resuming training with our athletes and coaches in a modified form this summer. SCBC will continue to keep all members up to date as any new policies and procedures come into effect.

If you have any questions about the 2020 Summer program, please contact Operations Coordinator Andrea at