NOTICE is hereby given to all members of Skate Canada Brampton-Chinguacousy that the Annual General meeting will be held virtually on Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 10:00 am. This will be a short meeting strictly to conduct the required AGM business including elections for the Board of Directors. Information will be shared as we make our way through the planning to ensure our responsibilities to membership are fulfilled. Link and instructions will be sent in a separate email.
PLEASE ATTEND. YOUR PRESENCE IS IMPORTANT!! Our constitution states that we must achieve a quorum of 10% of our membership; otherwise we must re-schedule this meeting which could affect our skating season.
The AGM will be held using the ZOOM platform and voting members must register by Thursday, June 17, 2021 to participate in the virtual meeting. Registration is limited to SCBC members as per By-law #7.
To register, please email Sophie Clark, and please provide the following information by Thursday, June 17, 2021.
- Full Name of Attendee
- If you are a parent/guardian and attending on behalf of an underage Active Member, the name of the underage
member(s) you are representing - Email address of the Voting Member (note this email address will be used during the AGM)
- Contact Phone Number
PLEASE ATTEND. YOUR PRESENCE IS IMPORTANT!! Our constitution states that we must achieve a quorum of 10% of our membership; otherwise we must re-schedule this meeting which could affect our current skating season.
- Preliminary Proceedings
- Notice of Meeting
- Quorum
- Observers
- Approval of Agenda
- Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting – Sunday, October 4, 2020
- Confirmation of Actions taken by the Board
- Amendments of the Constitution and By-laws
- Reports
- Elections
- Appointment of Accounting Firm
- Future plans
- New Business
- Adjournment